XML Signatures are a bad idea executed even worse
2000's XML mania continues to hold modern software back. But there are lasting lessons we can still learn from it.

Ulysse Carion
Cofounder and CTO, SSOReady
2000's XML mania continues to hold modern software back. But there are lasting lessons we can still learn from it.
Ulysse Carion
Cofounder and CTO, SSOReady
The SAML spec is an absolute beast. We've each read it multiple times. Here's a simpler explanation.
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
On the sometimes amsuing, sometimes dangerous, aspects of SAML's decentralization.
Ulysse Carion
Cofounder and CTO, SSOReady
Timezones are weird. But only finitely so. Here's the exact conceptual model you should have of them.
Ulysse Carion
Cofounder and CTO, SSOReady
GitLab and others are affected. The blame lies in the SAML specification, and in credulous engineers that implement it.
Ulysse Carion
Cofounder and CTO, SSOReady
SCIM is conceptually simple, but it gets a little tricky. Here's what a developer needs to know.
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
A loosely-held model of latent lifetime value that clarifies our thinking on a generous free tier
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
Idle thoughts on marketing technical software to skeptical developers
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
An admittedly wandering defense of the most unpopular pricing practice in SaaS
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
A minimally technical introduction to the difference between AuthN and AuthZ
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady
A minimally technical introduction to IDP-initiated and SP-initiated SAML
Ned O'Leary
Cofounder and CEO, SSOReady