SSOReady concepts: SCIM Directories

Understanding SCIM Directories in SSOReady

SCIM directories are how you implement SCIM using SSOReady. Every SCIM directory contains:

  1. The settings your customer needs to set up a SCIM directory sync from their identity provider into your product, and
  2. A repository of users and groups. Your customer’s identity provider securely populates the users and groups using the SCIM protocol. Your application uses SSOReady’s SDKs or HTTP API to fetch those users and groups, and provision them inside your product.

Every SCIM directory belongs to exactly one organization. Organizations in turn belong to exactly one environment. You can have any number of SCIM directories within an organization. Up to one SCIM directory per organization can be primary.

The SCIM protocol is designed such that your customer needs to put a SCIM directory’s base URL and bearer token into their identity provider before syncing can begin. When you use SSOReady’s self-service SCIM configuration, your customer can securely do this on their own, without any work on your part.


A SCIM directory, as displayed in the SSOReady web app.

SCIM Directory ID

Every SCIM directory has an ID starting with scim_directory_..., for example:


SCIM directory IDs are universally unique.


Up to one SCIM directory within an organization can be marked as “primary”.

A primary SCIM directory works exactly like any other SCIM directory, but with one special behavior for your convenience: when you list SCIM users or groups, you can provide an organizationExternalId or organizationId. When you do so, the primary SCIM directory of that organization is SCIM directory users or groups are listed from.

If none of the SCIM directories in an organization are marked as primary, listing SCIM users or groups using organizationExternalId or organizationId for that organization will return an error when from SSOReady’s API. The solution is to mark one of the SCIM directories as primary, or to pass a scimDirectoryId instead.


Every SCIM HTTP server has a base URL, from which the identity provider can determine the SCIM HTTP requests it wants to send when provisioning or deprovisioning users and groups.

SSOReady assigns each SCIM directory a base URL, which needs to be inputted into the customer’s identity provider. SCIM base URLs look something like this:

If you use a custom domain for, then the base URL will instead look like:

Where is your custom domain.

SCIM Authentication

When identity providers send requests to the SCIM server runs on your behalf, they need to include an Authorization HTTP header with a Bearer token to authenticate their requests.

SSOReady assigns the bearer token for a SCIM server for you They start with ssoready_scim_bearer_token_.... For example:


The SCIM directory bearer token needs to be inputted by your customer into their identity provider. If you use SSOReady’s self-service SCIM configuration, your customer can configure SAML without any work on your part.

For security, SSOReady only stores a hash of the bearer token. The only way to access a SCIM directory’s bearer token is to generate a new one by rotating the bearer token.

Rotating bearer tokens

If your customer ever loses their SCIM directory bearer token, or accidentally leaks it, you can deactivate the old bearer token and generate a new one by rotating the SCIM directory’s bearer token.

Rotating a SCIM directory’s bearer token will break any outstanding SCIM connections with that directory. Existing connections will fail to authenticate until they are updated with the new bearer token. This won’t cause data loss. It will, however, mean that new users won’t be provisioned or deprovisioned in your application until the customer’s identity provider settings are updated.


SCIM directories contain a list of SCIM users that belong to the directory.

The list of users here is meant to see that the SCIM sync is working, and as a debugging aid. From your application, you can programmatically list the SCIM users in a SCIM directory using the List SCIM Users API endpoint.


SCIM directories contain a list of SCIM groups that belong to the directory.

The list of groups here is meant to see that the SCIM sync is working, and as a debugging aid. From your application, you can programmatically list the SCIM groups in a SCIM directory using the List SCIM Groups API endpoint.

SCIM Request Logs

SCIM directories contain a list of SCIM request logs that belong to the directory.

The list of SCIM request logs here is meant to show you the SCIM HTTP requests that SSOReady is handling on your behalf. If your customer has misconfigured their SCIM settings in their identity provider, you can see their failing SCIM HTTP requests here.